Fun For A Good Cause


Teaching teamwork and coordination through a “Street Skiing” game.

Thank you once again, San Clemente, Ecuador for providing a local experience that curated lasting memories! We just can’t get enough of the party-for-anything mentality. Lately, every weekend has felt like a holiday and we have been enjoying every ounce of the festivities. Much of the time, we honestly have no idea what the party is about..but, this time we did!
The lovely collection of expat residents that live in our tiny fishing village organized this event. It was put together in response to the ongoing need for respite to the earthquake affected families in our community. It has been over 7 months since the 7.8 earthquake rocked our world, and the world of everyone on the coast of Ecuador and beyond. Unfortunately, there are STILL families who have not received the aid that they so desperately need.This event was a collaborative effort to finally get the remaining local families out of tents and back into their homes.

My husband and daughter participating in a Bowling game from recycled materials.

The day was one of hope and good vibes, and a playful energy resonated in the streets. We shared in the moments of youthfulness that bring hope for the future. It was a time of jubilation rather than of a somber mood. The events were built from simplicity and memories of the good ol’ days. What a pleasure it was to see the generations joyfully colliding for a good cause!

An Ice Cream eating contest!!
“Bobbing” For Apples From a Dangling String!
A Pillow Fight on a Balance Beam…Took Place in My Husband’s Gym.
An “Angry Birds” Themed Knockout Game, Also From Recyclables!
“Hot Potato” With a Water Balloons and Sheets!
The Local Man Who Sells “Freeze Dried Ice Cream on a Stick”.
Winning the Games Allowed the Kids to Collect Tickets to Trade In For Candy and Small Toys.
 A Somewhat Dangerous Game of Rice Sack Races on the Street!
One of the Expats Showing Off His Juggling Skills!
A Mischievous Ecuadorian Toddler Testing His Limits…
Our  “Gringo” Kids Clearly Having a Blast!

20 Replies to “Fun For A Good Cause”

  1. Those who are the best people are the ones that help others. And good on you for doing such great deeds. So good to see the smiles on the locals after such a tragedy rocked them not so long ago.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I think most have recovered now, both locals and expats alike. Recovered psychologically that is. The business and buildings, and some families still have long way to go though for financial recovery. But, it time I am confident that everyone will prevail. And in the meantime, it’s great to live someplace where those that have recovered will hold up those who have not until they are able to gain their footing again.


  2. thank you for sharing this so nice and hopeful experience! The pictures are really showing how much fun everyone had 🙂 It´s true, being far away, one has not really clue whats going on anywhere in the world; I heard about the earthquake in the news but as soon as it´s not on anymore, I forget everything about it and turn my attention to other matters. Thanks for reminding me that the world is a bigger place than what it seems.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, it’s very true that the rest of the world forgets these type of things as soon as they disappear from the media. But, for many people here the long term effects will take them a decade to recover from. We have all survived and will be okay, but it will be a long time until it’s over. 26,000 people were forced out their homes and the country was estimated to have $3 Billion dollars in structural damage. That stuff definitely does not go away when the media stops covering it the few weeks past the event.


      1. I am so glad to hear that you and you loved ones are all save and sound. I don’t live in an earthquake area, in fact, I never experienced one (knock on wood) but it must be so terrifying.. and ofc the long term effects for ppl who are already not the richest ever 😦 Thanks for sharing this, really.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You so very welcome! Thank you for taking the time to enjoy the blog and to participate by offering your conversation. Reader interaction has to be one of the most beneficial aspects of blogging. To know that we have touched someone else with our humble stories is the greatest reward I could ever ask for. Often times we don’t know our reach, as many people read and carry one without so much as a hint that they every visited. I personally, really appreciate the connection! Thank YOU!


  3. Seems like you all had a lot of fun! Especially the ice cream eating contest sounds great 😀 Enjoyed reading your post – it’s important to not forget about such events as soon as they are not covered by the media anymore (which is what usually happens). It’s sad to hear that there are still families who haven’t received aid after such a long time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. For us, there are still constant reminders in our daily life, as repairs and recovery in various ways are still in progress. Most people have received aid by now, but there are always the few that fall through the cracks for unknown reasons. But, the community knows they are there and steps in the best of their ability. This is exactly what we see here, when the locals have simply taken into their own hands. As unfortunate as it is that some haven’t received all the help they need, there is comfort in knowing that they can lean on their peers when things haven’t gone as planned.


  4. What a great initiative! It really makes me happy that expats try to reach out to locals and help them out. Reading about the event, looking at these photos is really heart-warming. These smiles are so genuine and contagious!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That’s great to live this experience with locals, I use to partecipate at these kind of initiative as well 🙂 Last time during my travels in China…I love to play with children and they give you back a giant smile! I’ve never been in South America, my co-blogger Davide has been this year (Ecuador included) and he told me so amazing things about this country. For sure love the pictures in your post :D.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The kids truly are the most charming way to understand how a culture works. I’m glad to hear that your co-blogger had a beautiful time in Ecuador! We think this place is pretty fabulous,too! Hopefully you get to make it yourself one day.


    1. Thank you very much! We do try as much as possible to fully immerse in the life here. There is huge gap between the classes and I’m not sure we can fully credit ourselves for living just like all the locals to. But, we do try our best to do things the way they do them, shop the way they do, eat the way they do, and live a life generally similar life to as least some of them. It many ways it has been a huge adjustment for us, and in just as many ways those life changes have been infinitely beneficial!


  6. Looks like such a fun day out, for all ages – the young & young at heart. I volunteered at an orphanage in Kenya a years ago & we threw a huge going away party (yes, for ourselves!) with similar fun & games – I’ll never forget that day & how much the kids loved it, they thought it was Christmas! Respect to you for making a difference 🙂

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